Reverse! SDA, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth Technology Alliance have all resumed Huawei membership

Recently, the Wi-Fi Alliance for the development of wireless technology standards, the SDA Association for the development of SD memory card standards, the Bluetooth Alliance, and the JEDEC (Solid State Technology Association) all removed Huawei from the membership list.

However, the incident was subsequently “reversed”, and the latest news showed that the above-mentioned organizational member page has re-appeared Huawei’s list.






Some media pointed out that the WiFi Alliance’s statement to the media indicated that it did not cancel Huawei membership, but only restricted Huawei’s participation in the alliance. In addition, the Bluetooth Technology Alliance has not cancelled Huawei membership before. Therefore, the so-called "Wi-Fi Alliance, Bluetooth Technology Alliance to restore Huawei membership" does not exist at all, because there is no cancellation.

However, in the JEDEC (Solid State Technology Association) membership list, HiSili is still excluded, PCI-SIG, USB-IF Alliance Huawei is still not in the membership directory.

On May 26, Huawei issued a statement on the organization of external industries, saying that Huawei's products and services now and in the future will not be affected by organizations that violate the principles of transparency, openness, fairness, and non-discrimination.

On the basis of complying with applicable laws and regulations, Huawei will, as always, actively participate in relevant standards and industrial organizations, and through unremitting contributions, together with customers and partners, build a healthy, fair, open and sustainable industrial ecosystem.


According to another source, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), the largest international academic organization in the industry, issued an internal mail saying that it would clean up Huawei's reviewers. However, the IEEE official has not issued any statement on this matter. On the same day, Professor Zhang Haixia of Peking University stated in the "Open Letter to the IEEE Chairman" that he had withdrawn from the IEEE member and journal editorial board.

According to the data, IEEE was founded in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Society of Radio Engineers. Headquartered in New York, IEEE is the world's largest association of technical professionals with more than 423,000 members in more than 160 countries.